Damascus Area School recently issued the following announcement.
Accelerate Wayne – The Gigabit & Dead Cell Zone Project
Accelerate Wayne – The Gigabit & Dead Cell Zone Project Launches Employer and Household Surveys
Employers, companies, schools, local governments, non-profits, and households are rallying together in Wayne County to ask Employers and Households to complete quick surveys on existing broadband, cell service, and future 5G service to help expedite and improve the results of a broadband initiative project aimed to improve service and reduce costs for Wayne County residents. Help us get 100 Employers and 2,000 households to complete the surveys.
The Wayne County Broadband Project surveys for Employers and Households are posted here:
EMPLOYERS CLICK HERE: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/J7YNG2S
HOUSEHOLDS CLICK HERE: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/J7CQZBB
The Employer survey deadline is February 7, 2022.
The Household survey deadline is February 14, 2022.
Companies seeking to relocate to Wayne County should contact: Mary Beth Wood, Executive Director, WEDCO, mbw@wedcorp.org, 32 Commercial Street, Suite 1, Honesdale, PA 18431, 570-253-2537
- Complete the Employer and Household surveys!
- Share the Employer and Household survey links with as many employers and households as possible:
HOUSEHOLDS CLICK HERE: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/J7CQZBB
- Post the survey links on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and social media groups!
- Invite us to speak on conference calls, meetings, virtual coffee groups, and other community activities!
- Post our Project videos when they are released and shared.
Kelly Lewis: Kelly@LewisStrategic.com
Original source can be found here.