Wayne County issued the following announcement on June 3.
Wayne County Human Services Housing Department is applying for Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funding in the amount of $168,838. The purpose of this funding is to provide services that will assist our community with Street Outreach, Rapid Rehousing, Homelessness Prevention, Emergency Shelter, Services, Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) and Administration costs.
The Wayne County HSA Housing Department will be seeking approval of the application submission on June 9, 2022 from the Wayne County Commissioners. This is open to public comment through 4PM on June 8, 2022.
Citizen comments, questions, or concerns can be addressed to the Housing Coordinator, Heather Miszler, via email at hmiszler@waynecountypa.gov or mail to The Livery Building, 314 10th Street, Honesdale PA 18431,
Original source can be found here.